Playing with patinas

This week disappeared in a blur. I took the day off on Friday, and Morgan and I hopped the ferry to Bainbridge for some breakfast and wandering around. It was what we needed. At the art museum’s gift shop Morgan tried to teach me the lesson of pricing my items correctly. I just don’t know that […]

Where did my mojo go?

It’s my common lament lately: My creative mojo has walked off. In fact, Morgan and I were talking, and I said I’d like to have a day off. He asked what I’d do with a free day, and I said that the way I’ve been feeling, I’d  probably clean/tidy instead of making something. It’s a […]

Insomnia, my old friend

Sleep is an elusive thing this week. That is, real and lengthy sleep. So, after waking up at 4 a.m. (on a Saturday!!), I poked around online looking at information about liquid enamels. That got me to wondering about enameling pieces of copper that had been etched. How would a transparent color look over that? […]

It’s sheep we’re up against

I won’t lie. It was another rough week. I’m still working on finding and maintaining balance. The daily stress is taking its toll on me, but I will continue to forge ahead. Making things has helped a lot. Items with “This is not normal” give me some comfort. What’s particularly helpful is having things to […]