Ready to lounge

What a week! In addition to the market, I also participated in Costco’s Spring Craft Fair.  Both were great!
At the craft fair I had a wonderful neighbor, Mark. Gosh, I wish I could remember his last name. He made some really lovely steam punk resin pieces. I wanted to study them and figure out how he made them. Bottom line, I learned that steam punk doesn’t really speak to me. So, I hope Mark keeps on keeping on. And I’m going to keep dabbling in kitsch and silly kinds of things.

Saturday was such a gorgeous day at the market. It was wonderful to sit in sun. I love seeing regulars, such as Julie and Maddy — who is keeping me on my toes trying to come up with new ladybug designs.
And, I sold another pendant made from one of my brother’s paintings. That always makes me happy. I hope that he sees it as validation that he is, without a doubt, an artist. I guess I should post some photos of those pieces soon.
(The day was capped off by hanging out with Lili while her parents went to a birthday party. Cool. Coolcoolcool. Yes, we watched several episodes of Community. She and I both like Abed the best.)

I spent today working on many, many tiles. I tried to incorporate some letterpress blocks that I found at Ben Franklin. I think they’ll need screweyes and jump rings. We’ll see. And yes, photos TK.

I also have just shy of 30 resin pieces curing right now. Maybe they’ll be buttons; maybe they’ll be pendants. Maybe they won’t turn out at all.

I also got to play with some new stamps that Jonna handed over. Yea!

And now there’s a cat on my lap who is ready to get away from the computer and curl up properly on my lap. I think that sounds ideal.

I hope everyone had a grand Mother’s Day — regardless of your role.

(Slinky’s kittenmama)