Seed beads just be(ad)cause

The Hoosier family members have been gone for just shy of 48 hours. I miss them like crazy. What a kooky, wonderful family I have.
Our workplace fall craft fair was today. I’ve been up since 4:30ish and am really so sleepy I have low hopes for the clarity of this post.

I started to panic about having something to say about a book this week, when I realized that I should give a hearty thumbs up to Seed Bead Stitching, by Beth Stone. I’ve looked online and can’t find any proof of a website for her. That’s not quite true, the most recent blog post I could find was from 2011. Even I’m not that casual about time lapsed between posts.

Anywho, I like this book because, all in one place, I get instructions for basic stitches such as the tri stitch, quad stitch and spiral stitch. I’ve not gone too crazy with any of the stitches, but I appreciate how different beads create different looks. Of course bigger beads stitch up quickly, which is a great thing. But, the smaller beads create such a nice, sleek look. (Think bulky yarn vs. sock yarn.)
The book is full of colorful and easy-to-follow instructions. The author includes a variety of examples to show the different kinds of looks possible. This book is a workhouse, as least in my book “stable.” I wish I could say that about more of my books. In addition to the stitches I use on a regular basis, the book also covers the right-angle weave, peyote stitch, brick stitch, daisy chain and Russian stitches. (I have a “weankess” for Russia/Russian things. How have I not tried any of the Russian stitches?! Watch this space; just such a trial will happen soon!)

Here are some of the different looks I’ve created for various projects with the help of Stone’s book.   

Spiral stitch. These colors make me want to be somewhere tropical.
Tri stitch with size 11 seed beads
Quad stitch
Quad stitch

Tri stitch with size 6 seed beads


 Tomorrow and Saturday I will be in a two-day conference: Schoolhouse Craft. I won’t lie, I kind of wish I had the next two days to lounge or knit or read. But, I half wonder if my hesitation is just fear — of success, of having to talk about my stuff or promoting myself. The money is paid, so I am going. I imagine there will be much food for thought. Plus, Kim Werker will be there. And as I can’t seem to shut up about her lately, her presence there is nothing shy of a sign that I need to go. Besides, someone found my site and asked about my attending a winter show. So, why not think about the always-desired betterment of one’s self and business.

Sigh … knitting is calling, and my words have run, if not dry, then certainly sparse/uninteresting. We’ll see just how many stitches I can get in before I nod off. My guess is 20ish. Do I hear 15?

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