After much feet dragging and excuse making I have a blog! Many thanks to Tiphoni, who held court at the super cool ArtFest Annex in Pioneer Square.
(The day was rounded out with two visits to Magic Mouse Toy Store—for a Scrabble game and then for a Playmobil punk rocker.)
Maybe this blog is a gateway  to some sort of retail proper website. Or maybe it will end up being exactly what I need. At least it’s a place to display the projects that fill my time. (And provide some proof that I’m at least half as busy as I say I am.)
Look for lots of photos to come—including Scrabble tile pendants (of course),  paper beads (my latest obsession) and other random creations. Oh, and I’m sure there will be at least an “occasional” shot of my cat, Slinky.
I’m not the best photographer, so please accept this blanket apology.
And, please accept this thank you for popping by and taking a

“Punk out, you’re nuts!” at the Artfest Annex.


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