Work and taxes

I don’t have much to show for this week. Taxes and work stuff ate up a lot of my evening time. That’s OK. I finished one sock for Mirgan. I worked on a birthday gift. And, and fixed some jewelry for me. (Luckily, it wasn’t something that I’d made that needed to be repaired!) And, best […]

Where did my mojo go?

It’s my common lament lately: My creative mojo has walked off. In fact, Morgan and I were talking, and I said I’d like to have a day off. He asked what I’d do with a free day, and I said that the way I’ve been feeling, I’d  probably clean/tidy instead of making something. It’s a […]

It’s sheep we’re up against

I won’t lie. It was another rough week. I’m still working on finding and maintaining balance. The daily stress is taking its toll on me, but I will continue to forge ahead. Making things has helped a lot. Items with “This is not normal” give me some comfort. What’s particularly helpful is having things to […]